Is needling done by a Health Professional who has done further extensive training— specifically for pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum — is a safe and gentle treatment that has been used as part of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

Acuneedling can be performed safely in pregnancy, birth preparation and postpartum.


For any common complaints of pregnancy experienced at any gestation, including:

  • Nausea/vomiting, hyperemesis

  • Heartburn

  • Constipation

  • Haemorrhoids, varicose veins & vulval varicosities

  • Back/hip/symphysis pubic pain & musculoskeletal conditions

  • IUGR

  • Anaemia

  • Emotional concerns & antenatal depression

  • Insomnia

  • Thrush/itching

  • Pregnancy induced hypertension & gestational diabetes

  • Restless leg syndrome & calf cramps

  • Headaches & Migraines

Birth Preparation:

Recommended weekly from 37 weeks with labour activation treatments at 40 weeks.

Optimal Fetal Position/Breech Presentation:

For breech, mal and posterior positions. These sessions are from 34 weeks gestation and include take home moxibustion therapy to continue the treatment protocol.


Comprehensive postnatal ‘mother warming’ treatment to aid healing from pregnancy and birth. From 2 weeks post vaginal birth and 4 weeks post C-section birth. This session can also include ongoing postnatal complications such as recurrent mastitis, blocked ducts and low/under supply issues.

What to expect…

  • At the start of your appointment, we will take the first 10-15mins to determine your current concerns and medical history to make sure you're safe.

  • We will then make you comfortable in our relaxing room where the needles are placed in situ.

  • The needles will be placed in for a minimum of 20 minutes.


  • Many people feel a small transient sting as the acupuncture needles are inserted. Following an acupuncture/acuneedling session, some patients may experience minor side effects that are mild and self-correcting, such as a light headache and occasional minor bruising.

  • No, you don’t need a referral from your doctor.

  • Our Physiotherapists have completed their Acuneedling Course and are qualified and insured to perform acuneedling on pregnancy and postpartum clients.

  • Dry needling, also known as trigger point needling or western acupuncture depending on the specific technique used, involves the use of acupuncture type needles being introduced into trigger points in muscles to stimulate a ‘twitch’ response resulting in ‘release or relaxation’ of the trigger point… a trigger point being a hyperirritable, taut band of muscle.

  • The sessions generally take 45mins. The needles are placed insitu for a minimum of 20mins.

  • As it is performed by a Physiotherapist - if you have extra cover for Physiotherapy then we can process it. We do not go under acupuncturist in Private Health Extras.